During the treatment, the therapist connects to the Life-forces, opens a wide perceptional field in which the Life-forces can freely express themselves, synchronizing with these forces and with Health. Through gentle, attentive, afferent touch and presence supports the client’s system to connect to its own resources and heal himself. The Practitioner becomes the Lighthouse – showing the way, supporting the client’s system to connect and synchronise with the Tide and the Field. But the ‘rudder of the ship’ is held by the client.
The craniosacral system affects all the other systems of the body. During the treatment the body’s self-regulating forces are activated, the system regenerates and reinforced inside. The effect is relaxing and refreshing.
The physiological benefits are:
- Stress and anxiety are reduced, the nervous system is stabilized, able to self-regulate,
- The immune system improves and is strengthened.
- Tissue and fluid movements are increased, balanced – resulting better oxygen, nutrient supply, free fluid flow
- Connective tissues are relaxed throughout the body
- Resilience of the autonomic nervous system is restored
- Reduced fever
- Helps during pregnancy
- Regulates post-traumatic stress and shock: after an accident, surgery, dental treatment, etc.
- Beneficial and useful in cases of arthritis, gout, swollen limbs, because it helps fluids to move
- Control of hyperactivity
During pregnancy, BCST treatments are useful and recommended for the following reasons:
- It helps to develop the relationship and communication between the pregnant woman and the embryo/fetus, so she has the opportunity to deepen the bond with the fetus in utero.
- It calms the nervous system of the mother and the fetus. During BCST treatment, the mother’s nervous system is calmed and balanced, which is good for the baby – for the prenatal growth and development of the baby’s nervous system.
- The treatment increases blood and oxygen supply to the muscles and reduces muscle tension, allowing the mother’s muscles to function properly and in balance. It ensures good blood flow, allows organs to be positioned comfortably in the body and relieves tension between fascia. Increased blood flow to the hips, back and legs relieves pain in these areas. It also relieves digestive problems, headaches, pelvic and back strain. It also helps with pelvic and sacral flexibility, which is very important during labor.
- Helps reduce fluid retention and bloating – no excess pressure builds up in the tissues and blood vessels of the limbs, restricting the flow of fluids throughout the body. BCST treatment can reduce swelling, pain, blood pressure and develop a balanced, healthy immune system.
- During the treatment, the pregnant mother can relive and process her own birth, letting go its impact, her fears, her unresolved issues, so she can separate her own story from what is happening in the here and now during labor. This allows her to be more present, focused and available during her baby’s birth process.
- The treatment will help you prepare for birth – the treatment will support the mother to pay deeper attention to her body and the fetus. The understanding and connection between mother and fetus supports their cooperation. It makes her feel relaxed and more in her body in the late stages of pregnancy, understanding her own body language.
The whole process of childbirth is wave-like, it has its own dynamics, which require the creation of fulfilment and affect the relationship between parents and baby. If there is the possibility for a BCST practitioner to be present during labor and birth – not just before and/or after – the therapist can use the possibilities of craniosacral biodynamics, connect and synchronize with the Life-forces. This way there is the opportunity for the mother and the baby to connect to the forces, which guide the whole birthing process.
Sometimes a mother needs to be treated on her own, especially after a difficult birth or postpartum depression. During the birthing process, the mother’s and baby’s nervous systems are very sensitive, so the various interventions can be profound and traumatic. Separation of mother and baby, unnatural births or hospital protocols can also cause stress and trauma. The BCST supports the resolution of birth trauma and helps the mother and baby to be able to cope with and resolve the impact of the different interventions. Experience from abroad shows that there is a huge benefit for the mother and baby to receive BCST within six weeks after birth, because it supports the mother’s system to regulate itself through all the changes she has gone through physically, mentally and spiritually. It also helps the mother to experience and accept the so-called baby blues, which is a completely normal phenomenon due to hormonal changes and occurs in 70-80% of cases. A BCST treatment is also recommended in this case, because it can help to avoid the development of a much more serious postpartum depression.
After birth, newborn babies have to adapt to new living conditions – learning to breathe with their lungs, to feed, digest and excrete the food they eat and to bond with their primary caregivers. For all this adaptation newborns need to build forces from inside. The presence of this potential can be well sensed by a biodynamic craniosacral treatment, by touch, and during the treatment you can sense if health, life potential is present or if external support is needed. It is advisable to connect with the newborn soon after birth and sense what are their needs.
The BCST treatment also supports the baby to cope and process the emotional levels of his birth, which in turn helps to develop early attachment and emotional connection.
In addition, it is very important that the imprints and patterns of the forces of birth are processed, especially if there have been various interventions. It is necessary to examine and sense if there is any tension, pressure, compression, twisting, in the skull, bones, membranes and fluids, or throughout the body – if left anywhere, it has an effect on the brain, motor development, thinking, lifestyle.
If the above patterns persist in the body and bones after ossification (which lasts from the first year to 23-25 years of age) and the tissues retain these patterns, then it can have a lifelong effect. If perinatal events and birth dynamics cannot resolve, they leave an imprint on the body. What can be resolved with a few treatments in newborn or childhood can potentially avoid decades of medical and psychological treatment later.
Compression and obstructions experienced during birth can lead to a number of problems in the newborn baby, such as tummy aches, lots of crying, irritability, difficulty eating and sleeping.
During the treatment, the practitioner builds a stable center, a field in and around himself, connects to himself, synchronizes with the newborn and the newborn reflects what he experiences.
Cases when early treatment help and have an impact on the newborn’s later life:
- Traumatic birth, stress, oxygen deprivation, maternal medication, medical interventions, etc. BCST can reduce the impact of these events by providing space, connecting to the embryonic forces and Life-Forces.
- For birth dynamics that have a long term, lifelong impact, labor that takes too long, or birth that is too fast, breech birth, prolonged pushing, EDA, caesarean section etc., the support of BCST allows the birth process to be re-experienced – so a new and different experience can be gained, overriding the pattern that has been established before.
- Central nervous system injury, paralysis due to lack of oxygen, spastic paralysis, especially the hypertonic type responds very well to craniosacral treatments.
- Emotional or physical shock following medical interventions or examinations.
- So-called cry-babies, newborn babies who cry a lot (Wesselsche criterion: babies who cry at least three times a week for more than three hours for three weeks). They have the following symptoms: colic, stomach cramps, sleeping and sucking problems, activity of the plexus (imbalanced autonomic nervous system).
- Anxiety, depression, autistic behaviour
- Skin problems (neurodermatitis)
- Deformed neck (torticollis) – difficulty moving the neck.
- Correction of asymmetries of the skull: it is possible to disperse the effects of compression, twisting or any other pattern.
- Eye problems (strabismus, reduced vision)
- Fever spasms (due to high fever or epileptic seizure)
- Infections (ear, eye, bronchitis, lung)
- Plagiocephaly – an asymmetric deformity of the skull caused by constant pressure on the same area of the fetus’s skull. This does not usually develop during birth but is usually caused by the position of the fetus in the womb. However, it can also be caused by sleeping habits in the first few months.
- Spinal deformities
- After an intervention for a tongue tie, which can cause problems with sucking and eating, it is important to get BCST treatments.